She's Here
She arrived at 8.37am on Thursday 20th September - a day before our 5th wedding anniversary!
She weighed in at 3.94 kgs (just under 9lbs) and measured 52cm.
The 'ribbon' did the trick! I had it inserted at around 8pm, then around 12.30pm felt a 'pop' and realised my waters had broken. The nurses were sure that I'd then settle back down and go to sleep ready for the drip in the morning.
But my contractions started, Mr. S had to come speeding back to the hospital at 2am and at 3am - on my request I was assessed and found to be 8cm dilated!
Me - in wheelchair - Mr S. running behind with my bag were rushed into the Labour Ward - where I was told and I was now fully dilated and that the baby would arrive before an epidural.
I had a quick go with the gas - but have now realised I'm one of the ones who get nauseous - so I'm now having a 'drug free birth'!
Since I'd gone so fast, the doc. expected the next stage would go the same way - unfortunately 4 hours later it became apparent that while I'd pushed the baby down and round the corner - she was then 'wedged' - I'm pushing and she's moving then retreating. I'd had the drip set up and been given the Syntocinon to increase my contractions and make them last longer(!)
At 7.30am - the doc. decided I would have to have an assisted delivery and that they'd get an anaesthetist and give me an epidural for it.
Once that happened - lord how do they just 'switch off' pain like that? - I pushed when told and the doc. got her out with forceps.
She's beautiful - we can't believe we're parents.
Will get a pic up here soon.